Solving the Short Clinical Crown Dilemma: How, Why & What to Do Info

Solving the Short Clinical Crown Dilemma: How, Why & What to Do

Short clinical crowns can be challenging to manage due to the limited space and minimal occlusal clearance.

In this webinar, Dr. Dennis Fassminder discusses the problem of short clinical crowns and how to overcome the limitations of limited occlusal space and limited retention.

Dr. Fassminder mentions that high strength zirconia is a popular material for short clinical crowns because it can be cemented, which allows for more retention options. It is also a strong and durable material that can withstand the stresses of occlusion. However, it does have some limitations in terms of esthetics as it is a translucent material that may not match the natural tooth color as well as other materials such as lithium disilicate.

Lithium disilicate is also a popular material for short clinical crowns as it is a highly esthetic material and can match the natural tooth color well. It is also a strong and durable material, but it is not as strong as high strength zirconia. It is also a bonded material and requires a minimum thickness of 1.5mm.

She also discusses the preparation techniques for these materials and how to achieve optimal retention and strength for the restoration. He also mentions the digital technology that can be used in the preparation and delivery of the restoration, such as CAD/CAM systems.

Overall, the webinar provides an in-depth look at the options available for solving the problem of short clinical crowns and the factors to consider when choosing a material and technique.

The limited space and minimal occlusal clearance can make it difficult to create a preparation that is both strong enough to withstand the forces of occlusion and retain the restoration securely.

Dr. Fasbinder may cover in his step-by-step walk-through of the clinical process for short clinical crowns:

1. Identification of the appropriate material and restorative treatment plan for the short clinical crown case at hand.
2. The advantages and differences between glass ceramics and zirconia.
3. Best practices for bonding and cementation using Calibra Universal Self-Adhesive Resin Cemen
4. Key features and benefits of CEREC Tessera and CEREC MTL Zirconia Blocks.
5. Nuances of proper tooth preparation, handling and delivery of short clinical crown cases
6. How to overcome limitations and challenges that are commonly encountered when managing short clinical crowns.
7. Potential alternative solutions such as endodontic treatment or extractions and replacing it with an implant.

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