Endodontics in the General Practice
As more general practitioners look to invest in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), endodontists — with more than half of them owning and routinely using a CBCT unit — are in the perfect position to help them “up their game.”
In this video, Dr. Stephanie Tran, a practicing endodontist and renowned speaker, will review the importance of CBCT imaging in assessing and treating root canals, fractures, cracked teeth and more. She will discuss how a CBCT scan can serve as the key to unlocking the mysteries of the tooth, helping lead the way to improved diagnostics, treatment planning confidence and case acceptance.
Learning objectives will include:
• Recognizing the key indicators for when a CBCT scan might be helpful — and its advantages over 2D radiography
• Some “rules of thumb” guidance for reviewing a scan, including information on the teeth and their surrounding tissue
• Factors to consider when determining case difficulty and the potential need for referral
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